Lesson Plans


This lesson plan was created for Teaching and Learning during the first semester. It served as the final project and was a bit daunting. I believe that whenever we incorporate elements from another culture, it’s natural to have concerns about appropriation or using them in a respectful manner. I think it’s important to have these worries because it shows that we care. Without any hesitation, there would be a higher risk of appropriating something. I admire the fact that the teacher for this course emphasized the importance of making mistakes. What truly matters is the effort to try and create something inclusive, and if mistakes occur, we can learn from them and make something even more meaningful next time.


This was the last lesson plan I did for my first practicum. Initially, I was hesitant to use this lesson. My teacher mentor had brought up the idea of dressing up as a character to get the grade 3’s excited about creating their own character, and I had worn a pirate’s hat on Halloween, so she mentioned using that and talking like a pirate about writing a character.

It was difficult to do something that made me look a bit silly. I was already in my head about my lesson plans going according to how I had imagined, and on top of that, I had to set my ego aside to talk like a pirate throughout the instructions. Now, I won’t say I succeeded 100%. I’m sure the quality of the lesson may have been impacted a little by the fact that I was attempting to stay in character for it, and the character probably didn’t come across as authentically pirate-like as I would have wanted it too because I was making sure I had hit all the points in my lesson. But in the end, the kids liked it. They had a good time and they enjoyed making their characters afterwards. A lot of them made their own pirates too so we ended up with a bit of a crew. What I took away from this lesson is that getting out of my comfort zone now and then can create more engaging and entertaining lessons for my students.